Flash is an integral and irreplaceable part of the Justice League. Even his variant has always been featured in the alternate Justice Leagues from other universes. In this article, we will be exploring his appearances and character arcs in both versions of the live-action Justice League film. In pop culture, these versions are popularly known as Josstice League, and Snyder Cut after the names of their respective directors. Every DC fan knows what a disaster the theatrical cut of Justice League turned out to be.
All this happened when Snyder had to take some time off after her daughter’s untimely demise, and he recommended Joss Whedon in his place to complete the remaining portion of the film. But after the theatrical cut bombed at the box office, reports started to emerge that Snyder was forced out of his position as director. The studio was even actively involved in changing Snyder’s original vision, allowed several reshoots, and even allowed Joss to change the film’s ending entirely.
Unfortunately, the studio changed the character arcs of nearly every character for the worst and got criticized like in Superman’s Mustachegate issue. The new director deemed the backstory of Cyborg and the Flash’s involvement in the ending as unnecessary. This article will further explore the scenes removed altogether from the film.
Justice League (Theatrical Cut)
The Flash was portrayed as a a kid basically. The theatrical version introduces The Flash and Barry Allen both as comedic relief characters. The Flash was portrayed as a superhero who could not do anything other than traffic duty at the end. Fans were disappointed that the film did not put the “Fastest Man Alive” to no good use in the film. All of his backstories were cut from the film, and he had zero involvement in the taking down of Steppenwolf.
Instead, he was assigned to clear the area of any humans. This was the most absurd thing as the area was near a failed nuclear reactor and had radiations level above the safe limit for humans. Moreover, the Flash did help a family trying to escape and could not find anything to say in Russian, so he said “Dostoyevsky” while waving his hand.
We also saw a sexualized scene where the Flash awkwardly falls on Wonder Woman’s chest and does not get up afterward, making it creepier instead of sexy. It was not even required in the film to begin with and was one of the scenes that Whedon added during reshoots.
Even the scene where Barry sees Iris for the first time is also not present in the theatrical cut of the Justice League.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Zack Snyder’s original version of the film fixed everything wrong in the Josstice League. For starters, Snyder added the backstories of Cyborg and The Flash to the film. Snyder cut also saw the removal of the awkward sexualized scene of Wonder Woman and the Flash. The movie further added several minutes of previously unused footage in the film.
With this new footage, we got to see the encounter between Barry and Iris. We see Barry walking into a pet daycare for a job opportunity. He sees Iris for the first time there while she walks out of the same shop. Iris then starts her car and drives while looking at Barry, who is also looking at her through the window. Iris and Barry have their eyes on each other when a truck hits her car. The flash uses his superpower to save her from the accident, which wrecks her car completely. Iris looks at what happened and notices Barry, who runs out of there at super speed.
Ending Scene
Moreover, Snyder’s Flash is a novice who uses his full potential to save the world after joining the Justice League. The dumb traffic cop scene is replaced with the actual ending that Snyder intended for his film. While trying to assist Cyborg in separating the mother boxes, Flash runs around the reactor. He needs to maintain a particular speed at which he then needs to tap Cyborg and transfer his energy to him. Unfortunately, a Parademon shoots Barry in the leg putting his running cycle to an end.
At this moment, Cyborg calls Barry to tap him, but he fails, and the world is ultimately destroyed. But Barry uses his superpower and enters the Speed Force by running at such a speed that he can reverse the time. He restores the world around him with each step, similar to the steps on a cosmic treadmill. He keeps on running and restores the time to the moment when Cyborg calls for his help and taps him on the shoulder, saving the entire world in the process.
Barry also meets his father at the end of the film and tells him about an actual job he got at a crime lab fulfilling his father’s wish. Snyder Cut explores the true potential of the Flash and even makes him an ultimate hero in Justice League. The film also adds an emotional dimension to the character.
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