Superman is undoubtedly the strongest superhero ever. He has achieved amazing feats using his abilities. The powers of Superman that we see in animated movies or the live-action adaptations are only the tip of the iceberg. And the true extent of his power is actually infinity. So this most definitely ends the debate about the strongest superhero. Comic book readers might be familiar with the amazing powers of Superman that we do not see in cartoons or movies. His powers peaked in the pre-crisis universe. But even in a post-crisis universe, he is still considered the strongest Superhero of the DC Universe.
We rarely see Superman unlock his full potential. This is because of the fact that when he discovered that he was an alien. He refused to accept his alien lineage and placed a mental barrier on his mind to not use his powers fully. Superman then spent most of this life with this barrier in place never exploring the true extent of his powers.
Superman has never even tried to improve his superpowers because he is more interested in saving the planet and its inhabitants. And the last thing he wants to do is lose his control and cause destruction to everything around him. In this article, we will mention the most notable powers of the Man of Steel over the years since his debut.
Power Source
The reason behind Superman’s powers is the Earth’s sun. He can absorb the radiations from Earth’s yellow sun. And over the years he has absorbed sufficient amount of energy to make him one of the most powerful superheroes ever. The energy he absorbs is directly proportional to his strength meaning that greater the radiations he absorbs, greater will be his strength.
But he can drain his powers in a fight if he uses too much of it or if he is not exposed to the sun for a long time. The reason behind Doomsday being able to apparently kill him was that he drained all of his energy and was not exposed to the sun making him weak. But because he is a Kryptonian so instead of dying he was sent into a healing comma. during this period he restored his energy.
Superman Powers
This section features the powers of the Man of Steel.
1. Super Strength
The obvious power of Superman is his super-strength. He is so powerful that he can pull planets all by himself. In the All-Star Superman storyline, Superman was able to lift 200 quintillion tons of load after spending some time near the sun. In doing so he surpassed his previous record by three times. So now you can imagine why bullets can not pierce his skin. His punch alone is so powerful that he can subdue his opponents with just a punch if he uses all of his power.
2. Super-Speed
Superman possesses extreme speed which is second only to The Flash. He can move way past the speed of light. His old introduction used to state that he is faster than a speeding bullet. So you can imagine how much did Superman’s powers evolve over the course of his publication history.
3. Flight
Another very obvious power that Superman has is the ability to fly. Initially, Superman could only jump over tall buildings but this jumping was changed into flying by the creators. And we have been seen Superman flying ever since.
4. Heat Vision
Although he possesses all kinds of visions including electromagnetic, X-ray and microscopic vision. The most impressive Superman powers are reflected in the heat vision. Superman is able to produce laser beams from his eyes that are hotter than the sun as well as focus these lasers on a microscopic level.
In Superman/Batman: Apocalypse animated film, some extent of the power of Superman’s heat vision can be seen. In the movie, Superman instantly destroys an army of thousands of Doomsday clones that are attacking the island of Thermiscyra.
5. Infinite Mass Punch
Superman can vibrate at extremely high speeds and can avoid incoming attacks by passing through them while vibrating. He has the ability to vibrate at a speed equal to the speed of light. And at this vibrational speed, he can deliver a punch with the power of a supernova. The punch is called the Infinite Mass Punch.
6. Freeze Breath
He can also produce an extremely cold breath of air that can freeze anything in sight. In Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam movie, Superman uses his freeze breath to freeze the water from a dam that Black Adam destroys. Even Black Adam is impressed and scared of Superman’s ability to stop an entire flood by freezing it.
7. Mental Strength
Superman is a super-genius and master tactician who can process information thousands of times faster than an average human being. He also has a photographic memory and can even think while moving at speeds way faster than the speed of light.
His intellect speaks volumes for itself as Superman was able to defeat the Joker when he was the most powerful being on Earth. And had even molded Earth according to his own deranged perception. In this storyline, Joker imprisoned and subjected Batman to an endless loop in which Batman dies again and again.
This experience ultimately broke the Bat. Due to this reason, Superman after defeating The Joker stole Batman’s torturous memories and endured the pain himself. This shows the mental strength of Superman.
8. Super Endurance
Superman is not just able to endure anything thrown at him physically but also has a very strong will. He was even able to survive an explosion as powerful as fifteen supernovas that the villain cold-gas threw at him. The power of this explosion is comparable to fifteen suns exploding in Superman’s face. Nobody has the endurance to survive something like this and fight the villains afterward as nothing happened.
Superman has also been nuked several times and has survived despite absorbing lethal doses of nuclear radiation. The most recent movie where he survived a nuclear explosion was Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
9. Super Hearing
Superman can hear the slightest of sound even light-years apart. On Earth he regularly responds to people calling him for help. Which shows his ability to hear over longer distances.
Our list is not the end of the powers of Superman. And on the contrary there are a lot of other powers that Superman possesses that we could not list in this article. We have tried to compile a list that explains the most well-known superpowers of Superman both in comics and movies.
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