Riddler Riddles: The Best Riddles by Edward Nigma – Batman Factor
Batman Factor

Riddler Riddles: The Best Riddles by Edward Nigma

Riddler Riddles

The Riddler is known as one of the most intelligent foes that Batman has ever faced and uses the “Riddler Riddles” in every crime. He had even trapped Batman multiple times by out-smarting The Caped Crusader. Riddler has the compulsive urge to showcase his intellectual superiority. Due to this reason, he leaves clues for Batman and the authorities, for his next crime.

He wants them to solve the clues and try to capture him. But in addition to supreme intellect, The Riddler is also an expert escapist. And due to this reason, it is extremely difficult to capture him even after solving his clues. In addition to the clues, he also uses several death traps and gimmicks to reinforce himself in case Batman comes to catch him.

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Due to this advanced preparation, The Riddler has blindsided Batman many times. And The Dark Knight faced extreme difficulty in subduing this super-villain due to these reasons. Every Batman fan holds The Riddler in very high esteem due to his unconventional style of committing crimes.

The Riddler riddles are very mind-numbing and can be a great way to stimulate your children’s brain on a riddle night. We have compiled a list of the best riddles that the Riddler has riddled us with over the years.

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Riddler Riddles

Riddle: The more there is of me, the less you see. What am I?

A: I’m darkness!

Riddle: We’re five little items of a different sort. You’ll find us in “a tennis court.” What are we?

A: We’re vowels!

Riddle: What won’t run for long without winding?

A: A river.

Riddle: How many sides does a circle have?

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A: Two – one inside and one outside!

Riddle: What do silk and grass have in common?

A: They’re both sold by the yard!

Riddle: If you know me, you’ll want to share me. If you share me, I’ll be gone. What am I?

A: A secret!

Riddle: Which nationality of people are always in a hurry?

A: Rush-ians!

Riddle: Which president wears the largest hat?

A: Whichever has the largest head!

Riddle: What goes up white and comes down yellow and white?

A: An egg, of course.

Riddle: What travels on all fours in the morning, two legs at noon and three at twilight?

A: A man as he grows from a crawling baby into an adult, and finally into an elder with a walking stick!

Riddle: I am unpredictable, but you still rely on me. My installments give you the experience of life for free. I offer no refunds, returns, or exchanges. What am I?

A: Time.

Riddle: I can fill an entire room or one heart. Others may have me, but I can’t get shared. What am I?

A: Loneliness.

Riddle: When is a prizefight like a beautiful lady?

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A: When it’s a knock-out!

Riddle: What do you throw away yet keeps returning?

A: A boomerang.

Riddle: What has neither nails nor bones, yet has four fingers and a thumb?

A: A glove!

Riddle: What kind of men are always above board?

A: Chessmen.

Riddle: What has yellow skin and writes?

A: A ball point banana!

Riddle: What is always on its way here, but never arrives?

A: Tomorrow

Riddle: The more you take away from it the larger it grows, what is it?

A: A hole

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Riddle Night

You can take these riddles and arrange a riddle night with your kids on any weekend. and stimulate their brains to solve these riddles. Be sure to buy The Riddler or Batman collectibles for the winner.

You can play the riddle game based on the score points. The child to answer the most riddles will be the winner with the highest score.

You can also dress up as the Riddler with your children dressing up as well to make this night more fun and memorable for your family.

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Using the Riddler riddles can be very fun way to spend time with your family. These riddles are very good for mental growth of your children and can develop analytical thinking among the players.

If you like this article then you should definitely visit our website for other related articles. Our website is a complete digital library of the Batman universe.

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