Featured – Page 4 – Batman Factor
Batman Factor

Ultimate Guide to the Marvel Studios Spoilers

Marvel Studios have taken spoilers to the next level by integrating these into their marketing strategy. MCU’s bigwig Kevin Fiege also hinted in his interviews that you could not keep everything under‎ ‎[...]

Justice League vs Avengers Competition

Avengers might have become particularly popular in recent years but Justice League is still the most powerful superhero team-up ever. You can read the comics or even watch the animated series of both these‎ ‎[...]

Guide To Justice League vs Teen Titans Film

Justice League and Teen Titans are among the most well-known superhero teams. The animated cartoons of the Justice League and Teen Titans have always ruled our TV screens and hearts simultaneously, but they‎ ‎[...]

Category - Featured

real batman gadgets

5 Real Batman Gadgets for Less Than $25

Mary Poppins and Batman have something in common.  Something that crosses them over from the world of average schmoes to the stuff of myth.  They both have a near-magical satchel that somehow always has just the right‎ ‎[...]