You’ve seen Batman and Bane. You’ve seen Batman and Joker. And You’ve even seen Batman and Two-Face, but what about Batman vs Deathstroke? The Dark Knight has had his fair share of rivalries over the decades. Some of them are so iconic to the character that you can’t imagine a world without them.
One of Batman’s biggest rivalries is with one of the deadliest assassins of all time. The Batman vs Deathstroke rivalry has stood the test of time, appearing in different many different comics.
Let’s take a look at what has fueled one of the greatest rivalries between the two characters. Especially from the viewpoint of one of DC’s best showcases of their twisted relationship.
Batman vs Deathstroke: Two Edged of A Sword
Comparing two men on two sides of morality is usually an easy job. This is because morality has two sides; good and bad, and you need to only look at one or the other’s actions to determine where they would need to go. Bad guys belong to the dark and bad side, while the good ones fight for everything bright and good.
When it comes to Batman vs Deathstroke, the story switches up a little. There is a common denominator between the characters, and that is violence and wealth. Of course, the application is quite different, with Batman utilizing his wealth to enable him with violence that fights injustice and crime. At the same time, Deathstroke employs violence to accumulate wealth that he very seldom needs. This duality, however contrasting, is not something you get to see with many rivalries. Superman and Lex Luthor clearly are not on this level, for example.
Very few stories depict this story in how the graphic novel Batman vs Deathstroke by Christopher Priest. Christopher Priest has carved a niche for himself as one of the best writers of the Deathstroke series. It’s become no wonder he handles this crossover between Slade Wilson and Bruce Wayne perfectly.
Sure, when he has been at the helm of other projects, the response has been mixed, but if anyone knows how to write a good Slade story, it’s Priest. What was indeed surprising was how well he handled Batman himself. The writing created a crossover of epic proportions and resulted in the story we have today.
Batman vs Deathstroke: Review
The story takes a throwback sort of approach, in the sense that where regular canon sees readers leave Slade incarcerated at Arkham, the events of the novel take place a year or so before that time. It’s not clear why this is done, but it ends up working because setting it in the past relieves the story of any burden involved with keeping up with the present storyline. No hindrances, no obstacles.
Happening out of time, Batman vs Deathstroke seems to expose the characters in an attempt to mirror them. Already mentioned is that they reflect common denominators, but again, we can allude to this — considering it’s something that has never been done before. Not with Batman. Not even with other characters in the DC Universe.
One great part about this collection is that it is not an isolated story involving titular characters. It involves their entire worlds, right down to their concierges, in the persons of Wintergreen and Pennyworth, and some other elements.
Of course, there is some dissent with this narrative; it is so ridiculous and unbelievable to imagine Alfred in a team-up with someone of that ilk, but Priest has always written his characters to have real human sides to them. People are fallible, and in this story, nothing has changed from that reality.
What Batman vs Deathstroke is, is a story within a story— but one that endears true fans of the mythos because another fan clearly writes it. You get the sense that it is carefully crafted by someone who understands what it is to read a Deathstroke and Batman story — and is concerned with getting it right.
Battle Statue: Batman vs Deathstroke Action Figures
Of course, there is no way there isn’t an action figure collectible of Slade and Bruce battling it out. It would be too good to miss. It just had to happen.
And it gets even cooler.
The Batman vs Deathstroke battle Statue is made of poly stone. He is an impressive collectible showing Batman showing aerobatic skills the Flying Graysons would choke to envy on, as he bears claws and Batarang in response to Deathstroke drawing out his blade. The battle takes place to stop a Gotham City rooftop (where else), and since Gotham is the city of gargoyle statues, it’s not a surprise that this showdown involves one itself.
It’s a big statue, and yet it never wobbles. This ain’t no bobblehead. It sees Batman in his iconic blue and grey, while Deathstroke dons an orange and darker grey. But the colors are perfect, and so there is no problem on that end. The statue is even easily assembled, so when you do get your edition (hopefully you can get one, considering only 5000 pieces were released at an insane price), you can click the metal connecting pieces and have your new addition do its job of wowing guests.
However, you’re probably not going to like the fact that Slade’s blade (no rhyme intended) is made of plastic. Yes. Plastic. It takes away the figure’s badassery because everything else already looks so cool, and a shiny real blade would have added to the awesomeness. After all, the batarangs and claw even get to dress sharply.
DC Collectibles is obviously avoiding a lawsuit of some sort. Let’s move on— back to the costumes.
The Batman design is based on the Hush iteration, and Deathstroke is wearing Arkham games. It’s 50-50 really, and you might like it, with others preferring traditional Deathstroke costuming. But it’s not a real problem, and the statue still attracts oohs and ahhs.
Thee poses are perfect— and they connote a shared ambiguity on who is with the advantage. Slade looks like he’s got the upper hand with his pose, but on another look, Batman looks like he’s got it covered— so it really depends on who you’re rooting for.