Spider-Man: Friend or Foe is a 2007 action-adventure game based on the original Spider-Man trilogy by Sam Raimi. This game borrows characters and several other designs from this trilogy. Spider-Man is among the most popular superheroes of all time. And not only are his movies popular but games based on the character are also very popular. The game was launched across multiple platforms such as PS2, Xbox 360, and Windows. A version of the game was also launched on PSP as well.
We have seen many Spider-Man games over the years. But The Spider-Man: Friend or Foe game was very positively received by the fans due to its 3-D one-on-one fighting and action-adventure genre.
This game also introduced several sidekicks to help Spider-Man accomplish his mission. A concept that was relatively unknown at the time. And in this article, we will write a complete review of the Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe game for our readers.
Primarily the player controls Spider-Man but he can also use the sidekick when required. With every character showcasing their own unique abilities. But the sidekick can also be controlled by another player as well.
This game also allows two players to play simultaneously. With one player controlling Spider-Man and the other one playing with a sidekick of the superhero. Sidekicks can be other superheroes or even villains as well. But in order to recruit a villain sidekick the player needs to defeat the villain in a boss fight first.
The game is divided into several levels with the players entering each level by a Helicarrier. The players can also collect tokens which in turn upgrade the combat abilities of the character. The tokens can also be used as power-ups that can temporarily enhance the player’s abilities.
Several DNA Helix-shaped collectibles can also be collected to unlock additional content. This content may include character bios and concept art. The player can also find secret rooms full of enemies throughout the levels. The players need to defeat these enemies in order to unlock these rooms. And after unlocking these rooms can be used as a battle area in the two-player versus mode.
All the characters can receive upgrades. But Spider-Man receives the most detailed upgrades that enhance his combat abilities. He can also unlock three entirely separate interchangeable web modes. These modes include the web line, web-shoot, and web stun mode that Spider-Man can use.
Other characters have one special move that can be unlocked with these upgrades. Spider-Man and his allies can also perform Hero Strikes. These strikes can wipe out an entire group of enemies.
But every Hero Strike is different and depends on the ally that the player is using. Hero Strikes can be performed after spending tokens that can be found in the game world. These tokens can also be purchased from the upgrade store as well.
The plot of the Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe revolves around symbiotic creatures that are infused with Nano-technology. These symbiotes are called P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s (Perpetual Holographic Avatar Nano-Tech Offensive Monsters). And as per the game’s storyline, these symbiotes were also present on the meteorite that brought Venom to the Earth.
The meteorite broke into shards upon entering the atmosphere of the Earth. These shards were discovered by someone who used them to make P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s. Spider-Man is briefed on the situation by the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Nick Fury and is assigned to collect all these shards.
Spider-Man is also given S.H.I.E.L.D operatives to assist him in completing his mission. As Spider-Man moves through the levels of the game he recruits new villains and heroes as sidekicks. Most of the villains were subjected to mind-control by the person who made P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s. And after defeating these mind-controlled villains they happily help Spider-Man.
Ending levels
As Spider-Man: Friend or Foe progresses he discovers that the P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s have been growing powerful in each level of the game. And notices that only the symbiote is present in P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s with the technology completely fused in them.
Towards the final levels, Spiderman discovers that the creator of P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s is none other than Mysterio. Who plans to take on the Earth by using these P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s. Mysterio is able to steal all the shards that Spider-Man collects over the game except for one. And leaves him with his P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s to fight.
Outnumbered and nearing defeat Spider-Man uses the last Shard to power himself. As a result, his black venom suit appears, and with this newfound strength. In the end, Spider-Man is able to defeat Mysterio and his army of P.H.A.N.T.O.M.s.
And recovers all the stolen shards and hands them over to Nick Fury who decides to further study these shards further, naming the project as “Project Carnage”. On ending the game, Green Goblin is also unlocked as a playable character.
It is one of the most exciting Spider-Man games of that era when the original trilogy was the only Spider-Man live-action adaptation. If you liked this article, then do visit our website www.batmanfactor.com to read other popular features as well.